project poster
project poster

    Ordeal (Season 2)

    • Format
      TV series
    • Genre
    • Year
    • Number of episodes
    • Directors
      Aleksandr Timenko
    • Scenario
      Natalia Nikishina
    • Operator
      Evgeniy Adamenko
    • Producer
      Galina Khrapko
    • Cast
      Andrey Chernyshev, Anton Denisenko, Valeriy Legin, Viktoria Poltorak, Vladimir Yamnenko, Dana Abyzova, Nikolay Boklan, Sophia Pis’man, Shorena Shonia-Rodionova, Emmanuil Vitorgan


    Lyubov Zatsepina, who survived so many hardships in Season 1 of the series, has finally found happiness. She marries Kirill Sanin, who has promised her a wonderful future, but their wedding ends with a bomb threat, and thereafter their relationship faces a number of severe ordeals. Lyuba’s sacrificial and all-forgiving love leads her into a psychological dead end, while at the same time she is haunted by a voice from the past, which accuses her of causing the tragic death of her mother. However, giving up is not Lyuba’s style – she will face all the twists and turns of fate with dignity and head held high.
