project poster
project poster

    Under Military Law. The Victory

    • Format
      TV series
    • Genre
    • Year
    • Number of episodes
    • Directors
      Sergey Vinogradov
    • Scenario
      Aleksey Timoshkin
    • Operator
      Ilya Melikhov
    • Cast
      Evgeniy Volovenko, Ekaterina Klimova


    May 9, 1945. Rokotov, Yelagina and Fedorenko celebrate the capitulation of the Nazi Germany in the downtown square of Insterburg, a town in East Prussia. They rejoice together with all the soldiers of the Red Army. The war is over! The townspeople stay close to the houses – some of them cry, wile others give sighs of relief. An improvised dance floor appears in the square, with a young lieutenant playing the piano right in its center. However, everything changes dramatically in half a moment when a machine gun starts firing at the people from the roof a house across the square...
    And after that, the everyday life of the Military Prosecutor’s Office in the occupied territory begins. The investigation of murders, robberies and thefts are all part of the routine, as is dealing with the numerous German agents, who are forever on the watch, having changed their masters, but not their enemy. Sometimes it seems that the war has not ended yet. To win the final and ultimate victory always requires one more step, and yet another….
