project poster
project poster

    Sign of the True Path

    • Format
      TV series
    • Genre
    • Year
    • Number of episodes
    • Directors
      Vyacheslav Lavrov
    • Scenario
      Ekaterina Kostikova
    • Operator
      Andrey Lebedyanskiy
    • Composer
      Anatoliy Zubkov
    • Producer
      Daria Lavrova
    • Cast
      Aleksey Rakhmanov, Igor Chernevich, Aliona Levkovich, Alla Zakharova, Anastasia Platonova, Valentina Talyzina, Ivan Egorov, Irena Dubrovskaya, Roman Kheidze, Sergey Koleshnya, Stanislav Kostetskiy, Yuriy Balitskiy


    Private detective Makar is hired by Yevgenia Golts, owner of a chain of fashionable beauty salons, to find her missing daughter, Ellina after thirteen detectives had been unable to solve the case. The mysterious circumstances surrounding her daughter’s disappearance coupled with the complexity of the case immediately capture Makar’s interest, and he reopens the investigation despite the imminent threat to his life.
